Welcome to the world of Pingu! Pingu is a charming and cheeky young penguin who lives in the snow and ice of the South Pole. The mischievous penguin often finds himself in tricky and comical situations, but he always learns a valuable lesson.
Pingu spends his days with his parents and baby sister, Pinga, as well as his best friend, Robbie the seal. In Pingu's community, everyone speaks "Penguinese", a humorous, expressive and universal language.
The award-winning Pingu is a classic, stop-frame claymation series that appeals to millions worldwide, as they follow the fun-filled adventures of the lovable penguin.
Pingu The Babysitter
Welcome to the world of Pingu! Pingu is a charming and cheeky young penguin who lives in the snow and ice of the South Pole. The mischievous penguin often finds himself in tricky and comical situations, but he always learns a valuable lesson.
Pingu spends his days with his parents and baby sister, Pinga, as well as his best friend, Robbie the seal. In Pingu's community, everyone speaks "Penguinese", a humorous, expressive and universal language.
The award-winning Pingu is a classic, stop-frame claymation series that appeals to millions worldwide, as they follow the fun-filled adventures of the lovable penguin.
Pingu has stomach ache
Welcome to the world of Pingu! Pingu is a charming and cheeky young penguin who lives in the snow and ice of the South Pole. The mischievous penguin often finds himself in tricky and comical situations, but he always learns a valuable lesson.
Pingu spends his days with his parents and baby sister, Pinga, as well as his best friend, Robbie the seal. In Pingu's community, everyone speaks "Penguinese", a humorous, expressive and universal language.
The award-winning Pingu is a classic, stop-frame claymation series that appeals to millions worldwide, as they follow the fun-filled adventures of the lovable penguin.
Pingu runs away
Welcome to the world of Pingu! Pingu is a charming and cheeky young penguin who lives in the snow and ice of the South Pole. The mischievous penguin often finds himself in tricky and comical situations, but he always learns a valuable lesson.
Pingu spends his days with his parents and baby sister, Pinga, as well as his best friend, Robbie the seal. In Pingu's community, everyone speaks "Penguinese", a humorous, expressive and universal language.
The award-winning Pingu is a classic, stop-frame claymation series that appeals to millions worldwide, as they follow the fun-filled adventures of the lovable penguin.
Pingu Visit To The Hospital
Welcome to the world of Pingu! Pingu is a charming and cheeky young penguin who lives in the snow and ice of the South Pole. The mischievous penguin often finds himself in tricky and comical situations, but he always learns a valuable lesson.
Pingu spends his days with his parents and baby sister, Pinga, as well as his best friend, Robbie the seal. In Pingu's community, everyone speaks "Penguinese", a humorous, expressive and universal language.
The award-winning Pingu is a classic, stop-frame claymation series that appeals to millions worldwide, as they follow the fun-filled adventures of the lovable penguin.
Bo on the GO! - Bo and the TwinkleToed Twirler 2_2
Bo is a positive, super-energetic and inquisitive young heroine who, along with her young friend Dezadore dragon, 'Dezzy', encourages children at home to go on amazing adventures by actively joining her in a variety of movements that assist her on her quest. Like all heroes, Bo faces challenges and obstacles and receives small rewards and achieves victories along the way. Bo's 'Bo-Buddies' -the young viewers - must move along with her. Cheerful and determined to solve all problems she encounters Bo will lead the way for kids at home to get 'on the go'. Maximum Bo power!
Bo on the GO! encourages children to move and learn new movement skills by linking their activity to a plot-driven story. While many 'movement' shows simply encourage children to dance and move around, Bo on the GO! adds the critical (and fun) component of high-stakes.
Bo is an aspirational, super-energetic and inquisitive young heroine, slightly older than our audience. Bo lives in a beautiful castle with Dezadore the dragon, "Dezzy" for short. Dezzy is younger than Bo and naturally curious, with a knack for getting into trouble. Dezzy is not as physically adept as Bo. He's a bit of a klutz.
Bo on the GO,
Dezadore dragon
Bo on the GO! - Bo and the TwinkleToed Twirler 1_2
Bo is a positive, super-energetic and inquisitive young heroine who, along with her young friend Dezadore dragon, 'Dezzy', encourages children at home to go on amazing adventures by actively joining her in a variety of movements that assist her on her quest. Like all heroes, Bo faces challenges and obstacles and receives small rewards and achieves victories along the way. Bo's 'Bo-Buddies' -the young viewers - must move along with her. Cheerful and determined to solve all problems she encounters Bo will lead the way for kids at home to get 'on the go'. Maximum Bo power!
Bo on the GO! encourages children to move and learn new movement skills by linking their activity to a plot-driven story. While many 'movement' shows simply encourage children to dance and move around, Bo on the GO! adds the critical (and fun) component of high-stakes.
Bo is an aspirational, super-energetic and inquisitive young heroine, slightly older than our audience. Bo lives in a beautiful castle with Dezadore the dragon, "Dezzy" for short. Dezzy is younger than Bo and naturally curious, with a knack for getting into trouble. Dezzy is not as physically adept as Bo. He's a bit of a klutz.
Bo on the GO,
Dezadore dragon
Bo on the GO! - Bo and the String Snatcher 2_2
Bo is a positive, super-energetic and inquisitive young heroine who, along with her young friend Dezadore dragon, 'Dezzy', encourages children at home to go on amazing adventures by actively joining her in a variety of movements that assist her on her quest. Like all heroes, Bo faces challenges and obstacles and receives small rewards and achieves victories along the way. Bo's 'Bo-Buddies' -the young viewers - must move along with her. Cheerful and determined to solve all problems she encounters Bo will lead the way for kids at home to get 'on the go'. Maximum Bo power!
Bo on the GO! encourages children to move and learn new movement skills by linking their activity to a plot-driven story. While many 'movement' shows simply encourage children to dance and move around, Bo on the GO! adds the critical (and fun) component of high-stakes.
Bo is an aspirational, super-energetic and inquisitive young heroine, slightly older than our audience. Bo lives in a beautiful castle with Dezadore the dragon, "Dezzy" for short. Dezzy is younger than Bo and naturally curious, with a knack for getting into trouble. Dezzy is not as physically adept as Bo. He's a bit of a klutz.
Bo on the GO,
Dezadore dragon